Synopsis: Lonely Charlotte finds new love with Ned, an old flame’s friend turned client. Amidst a health crisis, she faces a choice between the new flame and the life her absent husband offers.
Synopsis: A club dancer leaves everything and starts a new life in a place where nobody knows her. But it seems that desire and temptation follow her wherever she goes.
It's a Hard Knock LifeAnnie is a young, happy foster kid who's also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they'd be back for her someday, it's been a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan. But everything's about to change when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks—advised by his brilliant VP and his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor—makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he's her guardian angel, but Annie's self-assured nature and bright, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean it's the other way around.

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